Please let us in the comment zone any suggestions that you think will improve the article! If you like the article click the follow button from social media to stay in touch with us! We all know what digitalWrite and digitalRead do but these are slow. If we have an application which need some very short times what can…
Read MoreMonth: July 2016
How to control a dc motor with pwm in both directions without H bridge
How many time do you want to control a dc motor in both directions with control of the rotation speed. It can be done with a H bridge, but a couple of times we haven’t controlled very well the input signals and we have burned the bridge. So in this project we will use two relays and…
Read MoreHow to make a security/ surveillance system for your home with arduino
Did you know you can make your own security/surveillance system for your house??? In this project we have made such a system consisting of temperature/humidity sensor(from air), gas/ smoke sensor, movement sensor, humidity(flooding) sensor, buzzer for noise alarm, a keypad to enable/disable some sensors when you are home and a gsm module for moments when you are…
Read MoreHow to use a keypad with an arduino
In some application we need to introduce some data(like some number values, PIN etc), so for that in this example we will connect a keypad 4×4(16 digits) to an arduino uno. In this projects first we will understand how a keypad work and after, we have uploaded a small program with an 20×4 LCD and a control…
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