Please let us in the comment zone any suggestions that you think will improve the article! If you like the article click the follow button to stay in touch with us! First of all what is ULN2003PG? ULN2003PG is an seven npn Darlington transistors array driver , which works at maximum 50V and 500mA per output. This device is ideal…
Read MoreYear: 2016
How to make a 12-24V dc-dc boost convertor with arduino
Please let us in the comment zone any suggestions that you think will improve the article! If you like the article click the follow button to stay in touch with us! Because sometimes for my applications i need a specified voltage i decide to explain in this post how to create a dc-dc boost convertor without any formulas and with old…
Read MoreHow to upload a program on a arduino pro mini
Please let us in the comment zone any suggestions that you think will improve the article! If you like the article click the follow button to stay in touch with us! Arduino pro mini board is a miniatural board perfect for permanent projects. It runs on atmega328 and atmega168 at 3.3 and 5 Volts and 8 or 16Mhz. The…
Read MoreHomemade lamp and solar air purifier
Please let us in the comment zone any suggestions that you think will improve the article! If you like the article click the follow button to stay in touch with us! The next article consist mainly in images. With all the pollution on these days for example in my apartment is a lot of dust so i have…
Read MoreHow to generate a sawtooth and a triangle wave with arduino
Please let us in the comment zone any suggestions that you think will improve the article! If you like the article click the follow button to stay in touch with us! In this post we will generate a sawtooth and a triangle wave signals. As you can see in this post, with an arduino we have generated sine wave…
Read MoreHow to control a 12V LED strip with arduino
Please let us in the comment zone any suggestions that you think will improve the article! If you like the article click the follow button to stay in touch with us! In this project with an arduino we will control a 5m LED strip with 60LED/m through a P-channel mosfet more precise an IRF 4905. To switch the mosfet…
Read MoreHow to generate a sine wave from arduino or atmega 328
Please let us in the comment zone any suggestions that you think will improve the article! If you like the article click the follow button to stay in touch with us! In this post we will discuss how to generate a sine wave modulated from different PWM signals. These technique it helps us to make pure sine inverters or to generate…
Read MoreHow to modify the PWM frequency on the arduino-part3 (Timer 2 and CTC mode)
Please let us in the comment zone any suggestions that you think will improve the article! If you like the article click the follow button from social media to stay in touch with us! Like in the previous posts we start with Timer 2, mentioning that it is a 8 bit timer, so it can count up to 255,…
Read MoreHow to modify the PWM frequency on the arduino-part2(Timer 1 and phase correct PWM mode)
Please let us in the comment zone any suggestions that you think will improve the article! If you like the article click the follow button from social media to stay in touch with us! The main difference between Timer 1 and Timer 0 or Timer 2 is that it is a 16 bits timer(instead 8 bits the others) so…
Read MoreHow to modify the PWM frequency on the arduino-part1(fast PWM and Timer 0)
Please let us in the comment zone any suggestions that you think will improve the article! If you like the article click the follow button from social media to stay in touch with us! The default frequency of arduino PWM pins is around 490Hz for 9, 10, 3,11 and around 980 HZ for 5, 6, but for many applications we…
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