
Arduino homemade shield






For this project we want to make a shield for arduino. Because for many times in our project we need to have different inputs(button sensors) and different outputs(LED, motors) we want to bring to minim space used on a breadboard and wires so we try to compact them in a pcb.

Parts used in this projects:

-1x copper clad

-25x screw terminals

-12x buttons

-12x 2n2222a transistors

-12x 1kohms resistors

-12x 10kohms resistors

-2x 2 pins jumpers

-1x power supply connector

-arduino female headers

Using this schematic for projects can modify the mode of a pin in program and on the shield just moving the wires, or if you use buttons as inputs much easier. The schematic is in the image bellow:Shield schematic

So how it works???

Let’s assume that arduino pin is in the INPUT mode and we have a button as input.

When we press the button the arduino pin receive 5 volts like in the button project.

If we have a different sensor you can use the initial pin(that one on the arduino board) which is also avaible or you can connect the digital pin of the sensor in the input terminal on the low side of button.

If the pin is in the OUTPUT mode it will have 5 volt from the arduino and the transistor it will be polarized. So if we put a LED(with a resistor) on the output terminal it will be switched on.

As you can see also if we have a LED on the output terminal and we push the button, the LED will be switched on.

So, even if we push the button or we operate a switch in the input terminal or, arduino make the pin HIGH the transistor will be polarized. But if you remove any pieces on the output pin and the arduino pin is in INPUT mode and push the botton it will work normally.

The circuit was made with fritzing only in pcb mode and it can be downloaded from here.

Shield fara template_pcb


In the picture bellow we have the pcb board created with the metod described here, without the parts mounted on it:




Now after you see this picture we can explain for what we use a power supply terminal and 5V and GND jumpers.

When you have the shield powered from arduino the jumpers must be mounted and power supply terminal free, but when you need more power than arduino can offer you could remove the jumpers and use a external power supply(observe in the fritzing schematic).

When you use a external power supply arduino shold be powered by the same power supply to have the same GND.

For that you can use a connector like in the picture bellow :


In the picture below we can see the board with all the parts on it:

PCB with parts


As you can see the pins of arduino aren’t avaibles because we use this type of pins

arduino pins

To have avaible all the pins on the arduino you should use this type of pins:


arduino female header

To demonstrate the functionality of the board  in the arduino we have a program that, when you push the button connected to pin 2 a dc motor on pin 13 will start

The program is very simple:


void setup() {

pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

pinMode(2, INPUT);


void loop() {


digitalWrite(13, HIGH);



digitalWrite(13, LOW);




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Next are two short videos one with the arduino powered from usb and another powered from a 9V battery.

The shield powered through USB is:

The shield powered from a 9V battery is:



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